
Specialist Treatment for Eating Disorders

Passionate about making a difference

The Connected Mind is a private psychology service that aims to improve quality of life through reducing psychological distress


Sometimes life throws things our way that can be hard to deal with and that cause us distress. We often try and cope with this in the best way we can and sometimes this works but sometimes the difficulties can be too much. Eating disorders might become a way of managing distress through enabling the feeling of having a sense of control in life, helping to detach from painful feelings or as a way to regulate emotions and self soothe. The reasons why someone might develop an eating disorder are varied and understanding the function that an eating disorder has for an individual is an important first step to making changes. Most eating disordered behaviours can quickly become entrenched and impact on quality of life in a very significant way. Perhaps you are aware of some of these behaviours such as restricting, bingeing, dieting, purging, body checking, exercising excessively and being pre-occupied with body shape and weight issues to name a few. If you are struggling with any food and weight related behaviours then psychological therapy can help you make changes to make your life better.


I can help with a range of eating difficulties. Whether your eating difficulties meet formal diagnostic criteria or not is less important; what is important is the distress this is causing and the impact it is having on your life. I am able to work with people whose eating difficulties may have just started and those who have been struggling with their eating difficulties for a significant period of time. I can help with:


Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorder

Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED)

Emotional Eating

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I am a clinical psychologist with extensive experience in working with a range of psychological difficulties and specialise in working with people who have an Eating Disorder. I understand that it can be a daunting experience seeing a psychologist for the first time. My aim is to help make this process feel more comfortable. I understand the importance of building a secure and trustworthy therapeutic relationship without feeling judged.

In my practice I make the best use of current research and psychological theory to help guide individual interventions. The earlier an eating disorder is treated the better the outcome. I offer evidence based treatments as outlined in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines for the treatment of Eating Disorders which include Cognitive Behaviour therapy for eating disorders (CBT-ED), Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for adults (MANTRA). I am engaged in formal training in Schema Therapy and can use a Schema informed approach where this might be helpful.